Dragon Tavern, a web based adventure game where everyone is a champion... to some degree... Explore the wilds, beat up monsters, steal their lunch money, and use it to buy a bigger stick. That's the life of all true adventurers! Create your very own today, and make a name for yourself as the most powerful in the land. What are you waiting for? There's treasure out there to loot!
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"Where'd I go just then? Well, I just nipped off to the Bravaki Wastelands, explored a city made of mirrors, dodged a half dozen fiendish traps, battled a hundred or so monsters, defeated the undead queen and brought back a wagonload of treasure. Not bad for five minutes work. Ahhh... and me ale's still fizzy."- Duggin McBelcha, Berzerker of the Mountain Kingdoms
Recent happenings
- Knightmarish, Bloodied discovered Spawning Pools in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Trodaa Cas, Diamond Throne Templar lost 4 action points playing Time Twister
- Longinus Deathgrip, Intervention Time killed Shadow Sprite Mushbeast Cultivator (Elite Minion) in Undercity Mausoleum
- Beregost Bael, Deadly killed Zarshfeather Pixie Witch (Elite Minion) in Valley of Thunder
- Athenyl, Death to Chocolate killed Bloodthirsty Nosferatu Drake in The Forsaken Tomb
- Metaion, Elite Ranger killed Collar and Chained Abomination Rower in The Rancid Roamer
- Bobbameta, Punching Bag killed Psychic Brainblob Kineticists in Primordia
- Waltzing Matilda, Well Known Adventurer killed Wild Fire Giant Berzerker in Ashpeak Mountains
- Jolly Swagman, Master Looter discovered Elantian Halls in Ashpeak Mountains
- Maccabeus, Lord of the Erupting Sky was killed by Khemett the Ruiner, Mega Frog World Eater in Primordia
- Feanaro Singollo, Impervious killed Glowing Speckled Fungoid Chanters in Primordia
- Trimus Dalberon, Seasoned Gambler killed Elder Vortex Drake in The Blight
- Derek Vendion, Gimmy Ya Best Shot defeated Chzeenpth the Deep One (Boss) in Planar Crossroads
- Great Necrofox, Experienced Adventurer was killed by Swooping Greenwig Stump Harpies in Daggerspine Mountains
- Lordmichael, Protector of Skies killed Possessed Cult of Mephala Doomguard (Elite Minion) in Pit of Damnation
- Lunkpunk, Lord Alchemist achieved Level 29 in Ramirez's Turf
- Korbin Sunderwolf, Beginner killed Silverblood Planar Elf Paladin in Temple of Xaishann
- Qur Orrivar, Watcher of Skies killed Blackheart Diggers Rogue in Ramirez's Turf
- Vandryn Orrivar, Green Path Initiate killed Krenk Troll Missionary in Krakesh Rainforest
- Archon Kane, Lord of the Erupting Sky killed Well Disciplined Gorrt Fiend Warriors in Kratzalus City