Dragon Tavern, a web based adventure game where everyone is a champion... to some degree... Explore the wilds, beat up monsters, steal their lunch money, and use it to buy a bigger stick. That's the life of all true adventurers! Create your very own today, and make a name for yourself as the most powerful in the land. What are you waiting for? There's treasure out there to loot!
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"Where'd I go just then? Well, I just nipped off to the Bravaki Wastelands, explored a city made of mirrors, dodged a half dozen fiendish traps, battled a hundred or so monsters, defeated the undead queen and brought back a wagonload of treasure. Not bad for five minutes work. Ahhh... and me ale's still fizzy."- Duggin McBelcha, Berzerker of the Mountain Kingdoms
Recent happenings
- Mistress Ofnight, Adventurer was killed by Rivana Mercenary Scout in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Randonius, Dice's Bitch killed Waster Skeleton Sand Bursters in Bravaki Wastelands
- Velious, Dark Lancer killed Deadly Azureband Rathani Slayers in Den of the Delvisha
- Cadali, Conductor won 1,000 coins playing Chug-a-Lugs!
- Arren Matis, Adventurer won 10 coins playing Rooski Wand Roulette!
- Awesome Sauciness, Adventurer killed Earth Spirit Ore Grinder in Shattered Highlands
- Geril Bloodburner, Keeper of Oblivion killed Eternal Midnight Thralls in The Forsaken Tomb
- Euless, Death to Chocolate killed Elder Chromatic Dragon (Elite Minion) in Scale Peak
- Lunkpunk, Lord Alchemist killed Mutant Tasloi Test Subjects in Shadowmaw Lair
- Maccabeus, Lord of the Erupting Sky killed Troublesome Bunjee Sprigan (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Feanaro Singollo, Impervious killed Gunganid Nixie Elemental Conjuror (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Bobbameta, Punching Bag killed Grumpy Grizzlebeard Bear in Primordia
- Almighty Stang, Should be rich killed Chanting Prison Rabble Rousers (Elite Minion) in Blade Spire
- Drecnoix, Beginner was reincarnated!
- Neafly, Protected killed Robed Oolbid Demon Oaken Sage in The Twisted Oak
- Dark Raven, Eater of Souls killed Silent Numedra Alpha Crypt Warden (Elite Minion) in Undercity Mausoleum
- Moongaurd, Respected Warmaster killed Devilmen Battle Thralls in Den of the Delvisha
- Leaxsdit, Tank killed Suicidal Gnorl Boarding Party in The Long Whisker
- Rowe, Goldmember killed Seductive Elanti Concubines in Elantian Halls
- Archon Kane, Lord of the Erupting Sky killed Crying Goblin Monstrosity in Den of the Wretched