Level 65 Moon Elf Cultivator

Personal Details
Rexau, Beginner...
He is said to be a Moon Elf Cultivator of 65th level. Hailing from Moonspire Hold in the Mountain Kingdoms, he is said to be bald, have blue eyes and alabaster skin. His athletic figure, proudly displaying his beard has been sighted rushing into battle with a rowdy warcry.
When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Writhing Agonyvine Whip (Good), and is arrayed in his Eclipse Rune of Unstoppable Regeneration (Good). Foes are said to wither before the might of his Immense Fungal Monstrosity (Excellent).
Rexau was born under the sign of The Deathly Bed. This star sign is part of the Destruction Phase and the Peace Aspect.
Rexau is currently sober.
Rexau is ranked 1st among those born under The Deathly Bed.
Rexau is ranked 18th among Moon Elf Cultivators.
- 18,796,023 Total XP
- 1,722,241 Gold
Rexau has the following advantages:
Amulet of Recall
A red orb set in a golden amulet, allowing instantaneous travel back to a set location.
Recent Happenings
- Rexau, Beginner killed Ghostly House Ferrod Honor Guard (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Rexau, Beginner killed Umbral Shroud Wraith Arch Mage (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Rexau, Beginner killed Agonizing Brown Lich Minstrel (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Rexau, Beginner killed Rolling Zombified Super Ball (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Rexau, Beginner killed Rabid Two Headed Battle Warg (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Rexau, Beginner killed All Consuming Ichor Lump (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Rexau, Beginner killed Brown Lich Horn Bag Players (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Rexau, Beginner killed Well Paid Foulmarch Orcish Assassin (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Rexau, Beginner killed Starving House Ferrod Choker Vine Mass (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Rexau, Beginner defeated Arch Lich Vekna the One Eyed (Elite Boss) in The Shattered City
- Rexau, Beginner killed Greater Deathplane Elemental (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Rexau, Beginner killed Ghoulish Gladiator Troupe (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Rexau, Beginner discovered The Shattered City in The Blight
- Rexau, Beginner killed Rockpool Troll Necromancer in The Blight
- Rexau, Beginner killed Veteran Tasloi Mercenary Outcasts in The Blight
- Rexau, Beginner defeated Arcane Ravens Oath Ogre Eternal Keepers (Boss) in The Blight
- Rexau, Beginner killed Draconish Crimson War Priest in The Blight
- Rexau, Beginner killed Veteran Goblin Mercenary Outcasts in The Blight
- Rexau, Beginner killed Draconish Elite Templar in The Blight
- Rexau, Beginner killed Summoned Deathgate Sentinel in The Blight
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