Shadow Skarr

Grand Master

Level 146 Inquisitor

Steel Empire

Personal Details

Shadow Skarr, Grand Master...

He is said to be an Inquisitor of 146th level. Hailing from Bedua Demon Hunter Cabal in the Steel Empire, he is said to have tied back hair, green eyes and tanned skin. His athletic figure, proudly displaying his body tattoos has been sighted rushing into battle with a sneaky warcry of "Eeeew, gross!".

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Blessed Eternium Longsword (Phenomenal) and Clockwork Repeating Crossbow (Phenomenal), and is arrayed in his Aura of the Unrelenting Oath (Phenomical). Foes are said to wither before the might of his Omega Incantation (Phenomenal).

Shadow Skarr was born under the sign of The Disappointed Child. This star sign is part of the Emotion Phase and the Prosperity Aspect.

Shadow Skarr is currently sober.

Shadow Skarr is ranked 2nd among those born under The Disappointed Child.

Shadow Skarr is ranked 3rd among Inquisitors.

  • 309,395,423 Total XP
  • 3,012,960 Gold


Shadow Skarr has the following advantages:

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

  • Gnomish Backpack of Holding

    Gnomish Backpack of Holding

    Famous for their love of treasure, Gnomes spend centurites perfecting the ability to store and protect it. Their wisest Coin Masters have managed to improve on the arcane physics of the bags of holding to create their own version, a backpack.

  • Prismatic Watchman Shard

    Prismatic Watchman Shard

    A strange lense commonly carried by guardsmen to ward off ambushes and traps. Its method of doing this is unknown, however its effectiveness is sworn by in the guardsman business.

  • Obsidian Ring of Lucky Scholars

    Obsidian Ring of Lucky Scholars

    Worn by those seeking true advantage, this ring uses extremely powerful enchantments to bind the refined essence of a fortune elemental with the blessing of Taurino, god of mental alacrity and concentration, to twist the strings of fate in their favor.

  • Gauntlets of Power

    Gauntlets of Power

    A much rarer and more potent version of magic gauntlets, these mighty artifacts can turn even a novice adventurer into a seasoned veteran instantly. The glyphs on these gauntlets appear to be dwarven in nature, yet of a dialect not spoken for many thousands of years.

Recent Happenings

  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Nightmarish Glabrezu Zurr Fiend (Elite Minion) in Pit of Damnation
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master defeated Bison, Demonic Mage Knight of Ruin (Elite Boss) in Pit of Damnation
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Cult of Graulth Ettin Warriors (Elite Minion) in Pit of Damnation
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Nightmarish Glabrezu Zurr Fiend (Elite Minion) in Pit of Damnation
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Serpentine Marilith Lady of Pain (Elite Minion) in Pit of Damnation
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Fanatical Graulthi Hobgoblin Troops (Elite Minion) in Pit of Damnation
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Flying Cruelhorn Mephala Erynes (Elite Minion) in Pit of Damnation
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Sewer Creeping Underscourge Grots in Planar Crossroads
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master discovered Pit of Damnation in Planar Crossroads
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Sinister Rackshasa Noble in Planar Crossroads
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Imperial Quesha Demon Lancer in Planar Crossroads
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Forgotten Spire Lich in Planar Crossroads
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Reptilian Oolbid Demon Archaeologist in Planar Crossroads
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Lowly Quesha Demon Trident Infantry in Planar Crossroads
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Quartzyne Tyvel Interrogator Orb in Planar Crossroads
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Planescarred Wyrmling in Planar Crossroads
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master defeated Fangs Maloteshi, Vampire Crime Boss (Boss) in Planar Crossroads
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Purpleskinned Bladeling Spined Assassin in Planar Crossroads
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Imperial Quesha Demon Skyknight Regiment in Planar Crossroads
  • Shadow Skarr, Grand Master killed Elven Halfblood Heretic in Planar Crossroads

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