Eternal Shepherd
Level 170 Zealot
Personal Details
Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd...
She is said to be a Zealot of 170th level. Hailing from Dacia Hall in the Steel Empire, she is said to have curly hair, blue eyes and fair skin. Her busty figure has been sighted rushing into battle with a caring warcry of "There can be only One! In memory of Emerald Crusher (L57), Agate Grinder (L136), Diamond Crumbler (L141) and Topaz Annihilator (L157)!".
When girded for battle, she is known to wield her Assortment of Deadly Eternium Weapons (Really Really Really Good), and is arrayed in her Undeniable Proclamations of Divine Protection (Really Really Really Good) and Requisitioned Eternium Armor (Really Really Really Good). Foes are said to wither before the might of her Crusade of the Purified (Ultimate).
Gwythin was born under the sign of The Bountiful Bridge. This star sign is part of the Prosperity Phase and the Creation Aspect.
Gwythin is currently sober.
Gwythin is Hardcore.
- 483,738,874 Total XP
- 54,913,162 Gold
Gwythin has no advantages.
Recent Happenings
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd killed Wyrmclaw Orc Necrolite in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd defeated Renjav the Half Orc, Wyrmclaw Chieftain (Boss) in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd defeated Kranker, Grand Alchemist (Boss) in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd killed Demented Orcish Alchemist in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd defeated Kranker, Grand Alchemist (Boss) in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd killed Elite Wyrmclaw Goblins in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd defeated Bremphaed the Necrolite (Boss) in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd killed Squirming Nexus Eels in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd killed Wyrmclaw Orc Cave Stalker in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd killed Savage Wyrmclaw Orc Warriors in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd killed Vaguemoss Shambler in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd killed Shadowy Wyrmclaw Necrolite in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd killed Wyrmclaw Orc Necrolite in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd killed Demented Orcish Alchemist in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd killed Grinning Carnage Newt in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd killed Enslaved Black Dragon in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd killed Mutant Tasloi Test Subjects in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd killed Shadowy Wyrmclaw Necrolite in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd killed Siren Screecher Mong Bat in Shadowmaw Lair
- Gwythin, Eternal Shepherd killed Conjured Spirit Dragon in Shadowmaw Lair
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