Jack Themagnificent
Veteran Warmaster
Level 107 War Master

Personal Details
Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster...
He is said to be a War Master of 107th level. Hailing from Hearthfire Hold Garrison in the Mountain Kingdoms, he is said to have long flowing hair, ocean blue eyes and tanned skin. His heroic figure has been sighted rushing into battle with a courageous warcry of "Sound the horn and call the cry! How many of them can we make die!".
When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Runed Thorium Warblades (Amazing), and is arrayed in his Heavy Duty Corite Plate and Tower Shields (Amazing). Foes are said to wither before the might of his Crimson Legion Shock Troops (Brilliant) and Legion Banner of the Unconquerable (Superb).
Jack Themagnificent was born under the sign of The Powerful Horse. This star sign is part of the Destruction Phase and the War Aspect.
Jack Themagnificent is currently drunk.
Jack Themagnificent is ranked 1st among those born under The Powerful Horse.
Jack Themagnificent is ranked 5th among War Masters.
- 109,604,936 Total XP
- 4,957,070 Gold
Jack Themagnificent has the following advantages:
Amulet of Recall
A red orb set in a golden amulet, allowing instantaneous travel back to a set location.
Ring of Life Gate
An ornate mirrorsteel band with ethereal key markings dancing across its surface.
Banner of Exploration
"Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."
Gold Merchant Guild Membership
This exclusive level of membership offers you access to the finest of clients who have more money than sense. First pick and first priority is the name of the game, and in this business that makes all the difference. The exclusive collectors also seem to relish buying goods from the gold members for some reason. Chances are they have some financial stake in the merchant guild and this helps make them even more money. Oh what an unfair world!
Recent Happenings
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster defeated Fandurk the Crafty, Rojimto Ogre (Elite Boss) in Forgotten Citadel
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Huge Kingstone Dragon Elder (Elite Minion) in The Sea of Smoke
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Swirling Tar Cyclone (Elite Minion) in The Sea of Smoke
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Pactbound Etherium Claw Necromancer (Elite Minion) in Scale Peak
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Vampiric Bloody Storm Ogre Knight (Elite Minion) in The Burrows of Gruum
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Sinister Djinn Wish Twister (Elite Minion) in Forgotten Citadel
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Midnight Tusk Orc Spell Blades (Elite Minion) in The Burrows of Gruum
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Imbued Rojimto Ogre Champion (Elite Minion) in Forgotten Citadel
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Tar Golem Horde (Elite Minion) in The Sea of Smoke
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Expert Gruum Troll Pit Fighters (Elite Minion) in The Burrows of Gruum
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Uncountable Ebon Throne Brownies (Elite Minion) in Forgotten Citadel
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Greater Gruum Two Headed Troll (Elite Minion) in The Burrows of Gruum
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Vampiric Bloody Storm Orc Thralls (Elite Minion) in The Burrows of Gruum
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Fleshless Cabal Mages (Elite Minion) in The Sea of Smoke
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Powerful Starglider Lizardman Warlock (Elite Minion) in Scale Peak
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Goblin Burrow Stalker Poison Brewer (Elite Minion) in The Burrows of Gruum
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Tar Golem Horde (Elite Minion) in The Sea of Smoke
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Greater Gruum Two Headed Troll (Elite Minion) in The Burrows of Gruum
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Enslaved Burrow Gromka Pack (Elite Minion) in The Sea of Smoke
- Jack Themagnificent, Veteran Warmaster killed Brutal Howling Fang Orc Warriors (Elite Minion) in The Burrows of Gruum
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