
Ow Ow Ow

Level 61 War Master

Mountain Kingdoms
War Master

Personal Details

Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow...

He is said to be a War Master of 61st level. Hailing from Hearthfire Hold Garrison in the Mountain Kingdoms, he is said to have tied back hair, blue eyes and fair skin. His athletic figure, proudly displaying his beard has been sighted rushing into battle with an amorous warcry.

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Furium Hearthfire Halberds (Good), and is arrayed in his Thorium Hearthfire Banded Mail and Lock Shields (Good). Foes are said to wither before the might of his Royal Hearthfire Legion (Good) and Legion Banner of the Unconquerable (Good).

Vekicaj was born under the sign of The Observant Tear. This star sign is part of the Reason Phase and the Emotion Aspect.

Vekicaj is currently sober.

Vekicaj is ranked 2nd among those born under The Observant Tear.

Vekicaj is ranked 23rd among War Masters.

  • 14,594,345 Total XP
  • 1,201,875 Gold


Vekicaj has no advantages.

Recent Happenings

  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Ghastly Shadowlands Phasefiends in The Blight
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Wasteland Giant Mystic in The Blight
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Wasteland Giant Ogre Slaves in The Blight
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Necrotanna Spirit Launcher Artillery in The Blight
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Grouchy Emerald Drakari Slave Master (Elite Minion) in Scale Peak
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Blacktalon Chimera Shaman (Elite Minion) in Scale Peak
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow was killed by Miveix the Twelve Heads, Vorpal Hydra Queen in Scale Peak
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Chained Elder Pitfiend Sentinels (Elite Minion) in Scale Peak
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Relentless Mechanodrake Hunter (Elite Minion) in Scale Peak
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Blacktalon Chimera Cloud Hunter (Elite Minion) in Scale Peak
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Emerald Drakari Guardian (Elite Minion) in Scale Peak
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Mystical Alabaster Dragon (Elite Minion) in Scale Peak
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow was killed by The Mithril Plated Mega Slug in The Blight
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Tentacled Harrow Bile Pods in The Blight
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Lumbering Twisted Skull Orc Raiders in The Blight
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Insane Blood Reaver Elementalist in The Blight
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Huge Blood Reaver Clan Rhino in The Blight
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Pitiless Reaper Angel Myrmidon in The Blight
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Starglider Lizardman Hunt Master (Elite Minion) in Scale Peak
  • Vekicaj, Ow Ow Ow killed Blessed Two Headed Chromatic Dragon (Elite Minion) in Scale Peak

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