Dean Mz

Should be rich

Level 104 Cavalier

Steel Empire

Personal Details

Dean Mz, Should be rich...

He is said to be a Cavalier of 104th level. Hailing from Ajendra Keep Paladins in the Steel Empire, he is said to be bald, have brown eyes and dark skin. His athletic figure, proudly displaying his beard has been sighted rushing into battle with an amorous warcry.

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Magnificent Eternium Broadsword (Brilliant), and is arrayed in his Blessed Starsteel Platemail (Brilliant). Foes are said to wither before the might of his Emperor Bestowed Immortal Steed (Brilliant) and Flowing Banner of Glorious Deeds (Brilliant).

Dean Mz is often seen riding into battle on his Emperor Bestowed Immortal Steed (Brilliant).

Dean Mz was born under the sign of The Annihilated Dove. This star sign is part of the Destruction Phase and the Peace Aspect.

Dean Mz is currently sober.

Dean Mz is ranked 3rd among those born under The Annihilated Dove.

Dean Mz is ranked 5th among Cavaliers.

  • 98,281,181 Total XP
  • 2,092,090 Gold


Dean Mz has the following advantages:

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

  • Gnomish Backpack of Holding

    Gnomish Backpack of Holding

    Famous for their love of treasure, Gnomes spend centurites perfecting the ability to store and protect it. Their wisest Coin Masters have managed to improve on the arcane physics of the bags of holding to create their own version, a backpack.

  • Ultimate Loot Transmutation Cube

    Ultimate Loot Transmutation Cube

    While Transmutation cubes are by no means common, the Ultimate variety is exceedingly rare. Unlike the other cubes which are black, the Ultimate ones are silver and polished to a mirror finish. Mounted on each side is a jewel of a different type, of exceptional value and precision cut. The essence this device can store is trully immense, allowing regular use without the need to recharge as often.

  • Gold Merchant Guild Membership

    Gold Merchant Guild Membership

    This exclusive level of membership offers you access to the finest of clients who have more money than sense. First pick and first priority is the name of the game, and in this business that makes all the difference. The exclusive collectors also seem to relish buying goods from the gold members for some reason. Chances are they have some financial stake in the merchant guild and this helps make them even more money. Oh what an unfair world!

  • Expert Mount Training

    Expert Mount Training

    With the Expert level of training for your mount, it can move back and forth even more than ever, for a total of 6 times per day for free. In addition, it rests at an even faster rate. These mounts are the finest in all whole stable!

Recent Happenings

  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Deadly Crite Choadling Needlers in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Genasi Cult Cyromancer Adept in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Stealthy Eisho Hurgid Demon Infesters in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Frothing Machine Cult Fanatics in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Brokenwing Celestial Knight in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Fyjani Half Ghoul Brute in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Insidious Grugling Jester in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Sandscale Aquatari Hydra Symbiote in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Acrobatic Ganjei Infiltrator in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Robed Illithid Magician in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Malot Vampire Ice Sorceress in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Renegade Cityborn Sprite in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Mutated Eldritch Titan Chaos Eater in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Arrogant Planeswalker Mage in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Thundering Stormlord Behemoth in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Rocky Geonix Shardman Quake Rider in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Insidious Grugling Jester in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Gnashing Devil Rat Terrorbeast in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Purpleskinned Bladeling Spike Ravager in Planar Crossroads
  • Dean Mz, Should be rich killed Planescarred Wyrmling in Planar Crossroads

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