Banged Up
Level 58 Outcast Engineer

Personal Details
Lethargy, Banged Up...
He is said to be an Outcast Engineer of 58th level. Hailing from Bedua Laboratory in the Steel Empire, he is said to have tied back hair, blue eyes and fair skin. His athletic figure, proudly displaying his beard has been sighted rushing into battle with a senile warcry of "ALALALALLALALALLA".
When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Fully Developed Doomsday Device (Good), and is arrayed in his Immense Twelve Legged Mechanospider (Good). Foes are said to wither before the might of his Goggles of Prescience (Good).
Lethargy was born under the sign of The Active Trophy. This star sign is part of the Creation Phase and the War Aspect.
Lethargy is currently sober.
Lethargy is ranked 7th among those born under The Active Trophy.
Lethargy is ranked 16th among Outcast Engineers.
- 11,781,128 Total XP
- 370,930 Gold
Lethargy has the following advantages:
Amulet of Recall
A red orb set in a golden amulet, allowing instantaneous travel back to a set location.
Banner of Exploration
"Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."
Greater Loot Transmutation Cube
Much like its lesser version, the Greater Cube made from the strangely hypnotic black metal, however this one is studded with small jewels along each side, and is slightly larger. There is a notable aura of weirdness around this item, as though matter itself were pliable its its mere presence.
Recent Happenings
- Lethargy, Banged Up discovered Spike of Najei in Planar Crossroads
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Shadowy Ogre Magi Master Assassin in Planar Crossroads
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Angelfire Deva Vigilante in Planar Crossroads
- Lethargy, Banged Up discovered Undercity Mausoleum in Planar Crossroads
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Turbaned Rackshasa Mystic in Planar Crossroads
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Ghostly Platinum Veil Celestial Guardsmen (Elite Minion) in Celestus
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Three Sabers Thieves Guild Plunderers (Elite Minion) in Celestus
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Platinum Veil Pegataur Archers (Elite Minion) in Celestus
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Elevated Highblood Elf Divine Blade (Elite Minion) in Celestus
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Corrupted Celestus Angel Invoker (Elite Minion) in Celestus
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Ebon Skinned Marut Mystic Lawbringer (Elite Minion) in Celestus
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Wasted Etherium Forge Sludge (Elite Minion) in Celestus
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Animated Platinum Goo (Elite Minion) in Celestus
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Three Sabers Thieves Guild Plunderers (Elite Minion) in Celestus
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Gleaming Zicronax Crystal Spiderlings (Elite Minion) in Celestus
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Subjegated Celestus Angel Swordsman (Elite Minion) in Celestus
- Lethargy, Banged Up won 400,000 coins playing Chug-a-Lugs!
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Menacing Mithrilblood Elf War Cadre in Planar Crossroads
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Two Headed Oolbid Demon Overlord in Planar Crossroads
- Lethargy, Banged Up killed Indigo Skull Formorian Warlord in Planar Crossroads
Public Page Link
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