Lou Libra


Level 85 Sanctioned Alchemist

Steel Empire
Sanctioned Alchemist

Personal Details

Lou Libra, Elixinator...

He is said to be a Sanctioned Alchemist of 85th level. Hailing from Ajendra Apothecary in the Steel Empire, he is said to have long flowing hair, brown eyes and fair skin. His thin figure has been sighted rushing into battle with a sneaky warcry of "It's time".

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Reality Slicer Gel and Mixture (Superior), and is arrayed in his Time Manipulation Potion (Extraordinary) and Phase Shifting Transmuter Bodysuit (Fantastic). Foes are said to wither before the might of his Clockwork Automixer (Superb).

Lou Libra was born under the sign of The Withered Crown. This star sign is part of the Misfortune Phase and the War Aspect.

Lou Libra is currently sober.

Lou Libra is ranked 1st among those born under The Withered Crown.

Lou Libra is ranked 6th among Sanctioned Alchemists.

  • 48,679,286 Total XP
  • 11,710,729 Gold


Lou Libra has the following advantages:

  • Amulet of Recall

    Amulet of Recall

    A red orb set in a golden amulet, allowing instantaneous travel back to a set location.

  • Ring of Life Gate

    Ring of Life Gate

    An ornate mirrorsteel band with ethereal key markings dancing across its surface.

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

Recent Happenings

  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Giant Wolf Spider Aggressor in Primordia
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Furious Nokevari Ancestor Spirit in Primordia
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Croaking Grakonaw Frogs in Primordia
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Leaping Snowfang Spider in Primordia
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Lardish Flubberknob in Primordia
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Pesky Arbor Hall Brownies in Primordia
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Scartooth Wererat Dark Wizard in Primordia
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator defeated Cognito, Gearwheel Golem Hero (Boss) in Primordia
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Grumpy Grizzlebeard Bear in Primordia
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Sunderwing Drake Flock in Primordia
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Crazed Indigo Buffaloth Pack in Primordia
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Tribal Gruglok Ogres in Primordia
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Swirling Gas Powered Mini Gyrotaurs in Primordia
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Huge Ironshell Cicada Beast in Primordia
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Mawed Vorpal Slush (Elite Minion) in Well of Wobbles
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Foul Slime Devil (Elite Minion) in Well of Wobbles
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator was killed by Thallophyte the Uncaring Gooper in Well of Wobbles
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Rainbow Slime Clods (Elite Minion) in Well of Wobbles
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator defeated Blutt, Invincible Primal Sludge (Elite Boss) in Well of Wobbles
  • Lou Libra, Elixinator killed Doppleganger Crud (Elite Minion) in Well of Wobbles

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