Rock Stonesoul
Level 6 Dwarven Earth Sage
Personal Details
Rock Stonesoul, Beginner...
He is said to be a Dwarven Earth Sage of 6th level. Hailing from Al'Drommo Great Forge in the Mountain Kingdoms, he is said to have tied back hair, golden eyes and rock like skin. His muscular figure, proudly displaying his beard has been sighted rushing into battle with a rowdy warcry of "Heat the Forge ! We have souls and sinew to work with!".
When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Big Bag of Runed Pebbles, and is arrayed in his Beginners Mark of the Boulder. Foes are said to wither before the might of his Large Clay Earth Servant and Symbolic Pick Axe.
Rock Stonesoul was born under the sign of The Joyful Crown. This star sign is part of the Emotion Phase and the War Aspect.
Rock Stonesoul is currently sober.
Rock Stonesoul is Hardcore.
- 23,317 Total XP
- 3,758 Gold
Rock Stonesoul has no advantages.
Recent Happenings
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Mountain Ogre Wolf Shaman in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Living Margrain Statue Sharders in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Mantoid Bug Handler in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Angry Galoot Loner in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Rivana Mercenary Thieves in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Giant Rhino Bug in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Angry Galoot Loner in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Uncontrolled Guardian Statue in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Slime Puddle in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Mantoid Hopper in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Ochre Jelly in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Unbound Whitestone Ogre Golem in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Rhino Bug Grell Knight in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner achieved Level 6 in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Shiverwood Fae Trickster in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Chipbone Skeleton Gut Ripper in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Living Margrain Statue Sharders in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Miniature Galoot Pack in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Shiverwood Pixie Archers in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
- Rock Stonesoul, Beginner killed Unbound Flesh Horror in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
Public Page Link
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