

Level 37 Sky Guard

Mountain Kingdoms
Sky Guard

Personal Details

Reannes, Beginner...

He is said to be a Sky Guard of 37th level. Hailing from Talon Watch in the Mountain Kingdoms, he is said to be bald, have blue eyes and dark skin. His athletic figure, proudly displaying his beard has been sighted rushing into battle with an amorous warcry.

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Heavy Runesteel Shocklance, and is arrayed in his Ornate Runesteel Platemail. Foes are said to wither before the might of his Veteran Skyclaw Wyvern.

Reannes was born under the sign of The Free Tombstone. This star sign is part of the Peace Phase and the Destruction Aspect.

Reannes is currently sober.

Reannes is ranked 1st among those born under The Free Tombstone.

  • 1,609,930 Total XP
  • 95,756 Gold


Reannes has no advantages.

Recent Happenings

  • Reannes, Beginner killed Insane Doom Furnace Tinkerer in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Reannes, Beginner defeated The Living Firestone Rift (Boss) in Blightwatch Ridge
  • Reannes, Beginner killed Swarming Blight Ants in Blightwatch Ridge
  • Reannes, Beginner killed Hungry Blight Moth Swarm in Blightwatch Ridge
  • Reannes, Beginner killed Mindless Flaming Sphere in Blightwatch Ridge
  • Reannes, Beginner killed Infested Swarmer Giant in Blightwatch Ridge
  • Reannes, Beginner killed Blight Goblin Artillery Team in Blightwatch Ridge
  • Reannes, Beginner killed Rampaging Blight Orc Horde in Blightwatch Ridge
  • Reannes, Beginner killed Shamanic Blight Orc Cabal in Blightwatch Ridge
  • Reannes, Beginner killed Blight Goblin Artillery Team in Blightwatch Ridge
  • Reannes, Beginner killed Veteran Blight Orc Skull Hunters in Blightwatch Ridge
  • Reannes, Beginner defeated Skulking Dread of the Blight (Boss) in Blightwatch Ridge
  • Reannes, Beginner discovered Blightwatch Ridge in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Reannes, Beginner killed Magma Pincer Ant Lions in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Reannes, Beginner killed Gigady Gigapede in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Reannes, Beginner killed Travadi Gypsy Necromancer in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Reannes, Beginner killed Sadistic Fire Giant Champion in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Reannes, Beginner killed Volcanic Drakkesh Footsoldiers in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Reannes, Beginner killed Scampering Ash Harvester Drones in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Reannes, Beginner killed Shimmerveil Madrei Rekk Beast Riders in Ashpeak Mountains

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