Plant Pangolin


Level 48 Moon Elf Cultivator

Mountain Kingdoms
Moon Elf Cultivator

Personal Details

Plant Pangolin, Beginner...

He is said to be a Moon Elf Cultivator of 48th level. Hailing from Moonspire Hold in the Mountain Kingdoms, he is said to have long flowing hair, blue eyes and tanned skin. His graceful figure, proudly displaying his short pointed ears has been sighted rushing into battle with a cheeky warcry of "cool plants time".

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Raging Rumbleweed Scourgestaff, and is arrayed in his Moonglyph of Nightfall Shroudleaf. Foes are said to wither before the might of his Mighty Ivyphant Spore Spewer.

Plant Pangolin is often seen riding into battle on his Mighty Ivyphant Spore Spewer.

Plant Pangolin was born under the sign of The Wealthy Lawyer. This star sign is part of the Prosperity Phase and the Reason Aspect.

Plant Pangolin is currently sober.

Plant Pangolin is ranked 1020th among Immortals with a score of 6,215,772.

Plant Pangolin has achieved immortality, and is a Rank 2 Elemental.

Plant Pangolin has the following Immortal Powers:

    Elemental (Path Power)
    Legendary Explorer
    Legendary Hunter

  • 4,439,837 Total XP
  • 496,801 Gold


Plant Pangolin has the following advantages:

  • Amulet of Recall

    Amulet of Recall

    A red orb set in a golden amulet, allowing instantaneous travel back to a set location.

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

  • Gnomish Backpack of Holding

    Gnomish Backpack of Holding

    Famous for their love of treasure, Gnomes spend centurites perfecting the ability to store and protect it. Their wisest Coin Masters have managed to improve on the arcane physics of the bags of holding to create their own version, a backpack.

  • Gold Merchant Guild Membership

    Gold Merchant Guild Membership

    This exclusive level of membership offers you access to the finest of clients who have more money than sense. First pick and first priority is the name of the game, and in this business that makes all the difference. The exclusive collectors also seem to relish buying goods from the gold members for some reason. Chances are they have some financial stake in the merchant guild and this helps make them even more money. Oh what an unfair world!

  • Advanced Mount Training

    Advanced Mount Training

    A more advanced training course for your mount, it can now travel back to the tavern a total of 4 times per day for free! The mount is well trained and does not tire easily.

Recent Happenings

  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner killed Vaguemoss Shambler in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner killed Mutant Tasloi Test Subjects in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner killed Wyrmclaw Goblin Assassin in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner killed Chained Rat Ogre Berzerker in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner killed Mutant Tasloi Test Subjects in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner killed Grinning Carnage Newt in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner defeated Shadowmaw, Eternal Dracolich (Boss) in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner discovered Shadowmaw Lair in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner killed Savage Wyrmclaw Orc Warriors in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner defeated Renjav the Half Orc, Wyrmclaw Chieftain (Boss) in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner defeated The Bone Claw, Elite Orc Shocktroops (Boss) in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner defeated Kranker, Grand Alchemist (Boss) in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner defeated Bremphaed the Necrolite (Boss) in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner defeated Kranker, Grand Alchemist (Boss) in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner defeated The Bone Claw, Elite Orc Shocktroops (Boss) in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner killed Vaguemoss Shambler in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner killed Orcish Wyrmclaw Blademaster in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner killed Enslaved Black Dragon in Shadowmaw Lair
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner defeated Duke Xellosh of the Infernal Court (Boss) in Infernal Spire
  • Plant Pangolin, Beginner killed Ash Titan Demonologist in Infernal Spire

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