Painful Vector


Level 28 Infiltrator

Mountain Kingdoms

Personal Details

Painful Vector, Beginner...

She is said to be an Infiltrator of 28th level. Hailing from Meadowbrook Chapter in the Mountain Kingdoms, she is said to have long flowing hair, sly eyes and freckled skin. Her busty figure has been sighted rushing into battle with a suspicious warcry.

When girded for battle, she is known to wield her Light Runebolt Crossbow and Short Runesteel Blade, and is arrayed in her Cyroweave Bodysuit. Foes are said to wither before the might of her Errata to the Infiltration Training Manual.

Painful Vector was born under the sign of The Free Book. This star sign is part of the Peace Phase and the Reason Aspect.

Painful Vector is currently sober.

Painful Vector is ranked 2nd among those born under The Free Book.

  • 648,600 Total XP
  • 16,105 Gold


Painful Vector has the following advantages:

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

Recent Happenings

  • Painful Vector, Beginner achieved Level 28 in The Rancid Roamer
  • Painful Vector, Beginner killed Zombified Cursed Ones in The Rancid Roamer
  • Painful Vector, Beginner killed Cackling Skeleton Pirates in The Rancid Roamer
  • Painful Vector, Beginner killed Brainless Cannon Lugger Abomination in The Rancid Roamer
  • Painful Vector, Beginner is now using Light Runebolt Crossbow
  • Painful Vector, Beginner killed Zombified Cursed Ones in The Rancid Roamer
  • Painful Vector, Beginner defeated The Crank, Abomination Goliath (Boss) in The Rancid Roamer
  • Painful Vector, Beginner killed Armored Stutterling Guardian in The Rancid Roamer
  • Painful Vector, Beginner defeated Flake Beard, Dwarven Pyre Fiend Whipmaster (Boss) in The Rancid Roamer
  • Painful Vector, Beginner killed Skeletal Parrot in The Rancid Roamer
  • Painful Vector, Beginner defeated Chipp Skullz, Navigator and Wind Seer (Boss) in The Rancid Roamer
  • Painful Vector, Beginner killed Cackling Skeleton Pirates in The Rancid Roamer
  • Painful Vector, Beginner killed Grinning Zombie Terror Drum Bearer in The Rancid Roamer
  • Painful Vector, Beginner killed Brainless Cannon Lugger Abomination in The Rancid Roamer
  • Painful Vector, Beginner killed River Mercenary Oaf Shaman in Ravenwatch
  • Painful Vector, Beginner killed Aged Shoal Giant Sage in Ravenwatch
  • Painful Vector, Beginner killed Gnorl Ratkin Freebooters in Ravenwatch
  • Painful Vector, Beginner killed Gnorl Beaverkin Artisan in Ravenwatch
  • Painful Vector, Beginner killed River Pirate Spellsword in Ravenwatch
  • Painful Vector, Beginner killed Slithering Gore Feeder in Ravenwatch

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