

Level 15 Inquisitor

Steel Empire

Personal Details

Oleppaq, Beginner...

He is said to be an Inquisitor of 15th level. Hailing from Ajendra Witch Hunter Cabal in the Steel Empire, he is said to be bald, have blue eyes and dark skin. His athletic figure, proudly displaying his beard has been sighted rushing into battle with an amorous warcry.

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Imperial Steel Longsword and Sunsteel Chakram, and is arrayed in his Brand of Steel Scales. Foes are said to wither before the might of his Imperial Steel Prayerbeads.

Oleppaq was born under the sign of The Free Book. This star sign is part of the Peace Phase and the Reason Aspect.

Oleppaq is currently sober.

Oleppaq is Hardcore.

  • 147,921 Total XP
  • 2,495 Gold


Oleppaq has no advantages.

Recent Happenings

  • Oleppaq, Beginner killed Ruk Splitling Consumers in Keep of the Ruk
  • Oleppaq, Beginner killed Ruk Morpher Sentinel in Keep of the Ruk
  • Oleppaq, Beginner killed Humanoid Skeletal Goomen in Keep of the Ruk
  • Oleppaq, Beginner killed Insidious Ruk Hunter Demon in Keep of the Ruk
  • Oleppaq, Beginner killed Ruk Morpher Sentinel in Keep of the Ruk
  • Oleppaq, Beginner is now using Imperial Steel Prayerbeads
  • Oleppaq, Beginner defeated The Endless Spawning Goo Puddle (Boss) in Keep of the Ruk
  • Oleppaq, Beginner killed Spludge Launcher Golem in Keep of the Ruk
  • Oleppaq, Beginner killed Ruk Splitling Consumers in Keep of the Ruk
  • Oleppaq, Beginner defeated Mindee, Morphbeast Queen Experimenter (Boss) in Keep of the Ruk
  • Oleppaq, Beginner discovered Keep of the Ruk in Daggerspine Mountains
  • Oleppaq, Beginner killed Savage Hermit Trapper in Daggerspine Mountains
  • Oleppaq, Beginner killed Smoke Dagger Centaur Warrior in Daggerspine Mountains
  • Oleppaq, Beginner killed Beefy Trumtum Kobold Guards in Daggerspine Mountains
  • Oleppaq, Beginner killed Noisy Woodland Choadlings in Daggerspine Mountains
  • Oleppaq, Beginner killed Outcast Potbelly Ogre Sage in Daggerspine Mountains
  • Oleppaq, Beginner killed Halfmoon Tribe Grell Mystic in Daggerspine Mountains
  • Oleppaq, Beginner killed Maggot Cult Templar in Daggerspine Mountains
  • Oleppaq, Beginner killed Wailing Mosswillow Phantom in Daggerspine Mountains
  • Oleppaq, Beginner killed Dangly Woodworm in Daggerspine Mountains

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