Mira Luxguard

Bringer of Light

Level 19 Acolyte

Steel Empire

Personal Details

Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light...

She is said to be an Acolyte of 19th level. Hailing from Ajendra Cathedral of the Protector in the Steel Empire, she is said to have braided hair, hazel eyes and fair skin. Her graceful figure, proudly displaying her nasty scar has been sighted rushing into battle with a pious warcry of "By Our hands, be at peace...".

When girded for battle, she is known to wield her Chorus of Holy Fire and Divine Chromium Warhammer, and is arrayed in her Blessed Sunsteel Chainmail and Tabard. Foes are said to wither before the might of her Manuscript of Faith and Large Band of the Emperor's Chosen.

Mira Luxguard was born under the sign of The Renewed Tower. This star sign is part of the Prosperity Phase and the Prosperity Aspect.

Mira Luxguard is currently sober.

Mira Luxguard is ranked 2170th among Immortals with a score of 407,230.

Mira Luxguard has achieved immortality, and is a Rank 3 Avatar.

Mira Luxguard has the following Immortal Powers:

    Avatar (Path Power)
    Legendary Avenger
    Force Field

  • 254,519 Total XP
  • 2,723 Gold


Mira Luxguard has the following advantages:

  • Ring of Greater Deathward

    Ring of Greater Deathward

    An ornate band of silver carved with intricate symbols.

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

  • Prismatic Watchman Shard

    Prismatic Watchman Shard

    A strange lense commonly carried by guardsmen to ward off ambushes and traps. Its method of doing this is unknown, however its effectiveness is sworn by in the guardsman business.

  • Timesink Emerald of Focus

    Timesink Emerald of Focus

    This small gemstone makes its owner more resistant to the effects of time wasting, entrapment and trickery by focusing the bearers mind on the essentials of escaping any situation which would otherwise confuse people.

  • Dazzling Lootstone of Misdirection

    Dazzling Lootstone of Misdirection

    This small gemstone protects the bearer from thieves by attempting to become an irrisistable target for theft, rather than real loot, and then magically reappearing back in the hands of its owner shortly after the thief has moved on.

  • Silver Merchant Guild Membership

    Silver Merchant Guild Membership

    Much like the first membership level, except that you get access to a much more exclusive list of clients and buyers. The notorious collectors also seem to check over this list prior to the basic membership list, so you're more likely to sell the best stuff before anyone else.

Recent Happenings

  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light is now using Divine Chromium Warhammer
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light is now using Sacred Sunsteel Warhammer
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light killed Flaming Dragonfly in Hellish Rift
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light killed Blazing Imp in Hellish Rift
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light killed Inferno Elemental in Hellish Rift
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light killed Renegade Dwarven Lava Summoner in Hellish Rift
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light killed Infernal Bladeflinger in Hellish Rift
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light defeated Gigantic Emberscale Drake (Boss) in Hellish Rift
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light killed Blazing Imp in Hellish Rift
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light defeated Fireseed Queen (Boss) in Hellish Rift
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light killed Renegade Dwarven Fire Cultist in Hellish Rift
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light killed Renegade Dwarven Lavamancer in Hellish Rift
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light killed Infernal Bladeflinger in Hellish Rift
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light killed Flaming Dragonfly in Hellish Rift
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light killed Renegade Dwarven Fire Cultist in Hellish Rift
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light killed Bluefang Kobold Shaman in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light killed Giant Shard Oak Moth in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light killed Prydok Demon Void Jumper in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light killed Oversized Skyclaw Goataur Mystic in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Mira Luxguard, Bringer of Light killed Clawblood Outlaw Ambushers in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains

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