

Level 47 Death Knight

Death Knight

Personal Details

Lordcal, Goldmember...

He is said to be a Death Knight of 47th level. Hailing from Bonekeep Dark Crusaders in the Deadlands, he is said to be bald, have blue eyes and corpselike skin. His athletic figure, proudly displaying his beard has been sighted rushing into battle with an amorous warcry of "What!".

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Cone of Death Sceptre and Necrotanium Dreadblade, and is arrayed in his Necrotanium Field Plate and Howling Void Aura. Foes are said to wither before the might of his Two Headed Shadowdrake.

Lordcal was born under the sign of The Forceful Bridge. This star sign is part of the War Phase and the Creation Aspect.

Lordcal is currently sober.

Lordcal is ranked 858th among Immortals with a score of 7,319,606.

Lordcal has achieved immortality, and is a Rank 6 Ascended One.

Lordcal has the following Immortal Powers:

    Ascended (Path Power)
    Immortal Knowledge
    Animate Enemy
    Legendary Avenger
    Berzerker Rage
    Rapid Regeneration

  • 3,852,424 Total XP
  • 351,338 Gold


Lordcal has the following advantages:

  • Infused Trollblood Ring of Regeneration

    Infused Trollblood Ring of Regeneration

    Much like a regular Trollblood ring, this much rarer and more powerful version is said to contain the essence of one of the Troll Lords of old, creatures of immense healing ability and reportedly almost impossible to kill!

Recent Happenings

  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Shimmerveil Madrei Archers in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Huge Lava Ant Swarm in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Devil Bee Swarm in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Emberscale Dragon Whelp in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Heat Shimmer Elementals in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Magma Pincer Ant Lions in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Devil Bee Swarm in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember discovered Infernal Spire in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Scampering Ash Harvester Drones in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Doom Furnace Clockwork Thralls in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Festoon Pillar Gromka Demon in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember discovered Mount Sedrid Volcano in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Volcanic Cragg Beast in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Huge Gromka Demon Knuckle Dragger in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Shimmerveil Madrei Archers in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Travadi Gypsy Caravan in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Twirling Incinerator Elemental in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Massive Cindermaw Drake in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Volcanic Drakkesh Footsoldiers in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Lordcal, Goldmember killed Twirling Incinerator Elemental in Ashpeak Mountains

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