
Commander of War

Level 49 War Master

Mountain Kingdoms
War Master

Personal Details

Laughter, Commander of War...

He is said to be a War Master of 49th level. Hailing from Meadowbrook Army in the Mountain Kingdoms, he is said to have shoulder length hair, brown eyes and olive skin. His muscular figure has been sighted rushing into battle with a caring warcry of "For Alvjerd!".

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Mastercraft Mithril Crimson Guard Warblades, and is arrayed in his Mithril Crimson Guard Banded Mail and Large Shields. Foes are said to wither before the might of his Legion of Elite Crimson Guard and Glorious Crimson Guard Standard.

Laughter was born under the sign of The Sad Catapult. This star sign is part of the Emotion Phase and the War Aspect.

Laughter is currently sober.

Laughter is ranked 6th among those born under The Sad Catapult.

Laughter is ranked 188th among War Masters.

  • 4,686,965 Total XP
  • 1,025,912 Gold


Laughter has the following advantages:

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

  • Bag of Holding

    Bag of Holding

    Via manipulation of strange multi dimensional physics that the most learned sage would scratch their beard at, these bags are able to store a lot more than their size would suggest.

Recent Happenings

  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Festoon Pillar Gromka Demon in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Igniter Blob in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Charbone Skeletal Archers in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Spindly Doom Furnace Scythe Golem in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Asbestos Fungoid Sprouter in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Saurid Knight Mounted Cindermaw Drake in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Patrolling Ashbeard Dwarf Skirmishers in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Blightrunner Gecko Cavalry in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Wobbly Pyrojelly in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Festoon Pillar Gromka Demon in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Snarling Travadi Ghoul Lord in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Fire Salamander War Party in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Asbestos Fungoid Sprouter in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Roaming Ashbeard Dwarf Legionaires in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Devil Bee Hive Lump in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Huge Doom Furnace Hammer Golem in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Saurid Knight Mounted Cindermaw Drake in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Heat Shimmer Elementals in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Charbone Skeletal Archers in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Laughter, Commander of War killed Huge Lava Ant Swarm in Ashpeak Mountains

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