
Champion In Progress

Level 34 Cavalier

Steel Empire

Personal Details

Kabaka, Champion In Progress...

He is said to be a Cavalier of 34th level. Hailing from Bedua Cavalry Stable in the Steel Empire, he is said to have fashionably styled hair, brown eyes and olive skin. His heroic figure, proudly displaying his beard has been sighted rushing into battle with a serious warcry of "For the Empire!".

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Fine Stunsteel Longsword, and is arrayed in his Imperial Sunsteel Field Plate. Foes are said to wither before the might of his Honored Equestri Mare and Banner of the Emperor's Hand.

Kabaka was born under the sign of The Active Scale. This star sign is part of the Creation Phase and the Reason Aspect.

Kabaka is currently sober.

Kabaka is ranked 1862nd among Immortals with a score of 1,411,842.

Kabaka has achieved immortality, and is a Rank 1 Chosen.

Kabaka has the following Immortal Powers:

    Chosen (Path Power)
    Legendary Explorer

  • 1,176,705 Total XP
  • 50,854 Gold


Kabaka has the following advantages:

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

Recent Happenings

  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress killed Xaeth-Kyr Skyfire Spontoon-man in Chasms of Craeth
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress killed Gokdok Orc Archers in Chasms of Craeth
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress achieved Level 34 in Chasms of Craeth
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress killed Static-Charged Dust Devil in Chasms of Craeth
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress discovered The Sacred Roost in Chasms of Craeth
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress killed Karkathi Honour-Priest Spectres in Chasms of Craeth
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress discovered Flintcog Workshops in Chasms of Craeth
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress killed Ashlumber Bandit Scouts in Chasms of Craeth
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress killed Wak-a-mol Hydra Heads in Chasms of Craeth
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress killed Scorpiri Outlaw Gang in Chasms of Craeth
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress defeated Yuri Molotov, Arms Dealer Extraordinaire (Boss) in Flintcog Workshops
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress discovered Flintcog Workshops in Flintcog Workshops
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress killed Numbered Orc Test Subject in Flintcog Workshops
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress killed Escaped Stregium Sludge in Flintcog Workshops
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress defeated Hallwaycrawler 28 (Boss) in Flintcog Workshops
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress killed Failed Frankenscience's Monster in Flintcog Workshops
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress killed Escaped Stregium Sludge in Flintcog Workshops
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress defeated Dr Frankenscience, Card Carrying Villain (Boss) in Flintcog Workshops
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress killed Animated Workshop Tools in Flintcog Workshops
  • Kabaka, Champion In Progress killed Escaped Stregium Sludge in Flintcog Workshops

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