Hayden Kross


Level 5 War Master

Mountain Kingdoms
War Master

Personal Details

Hayden Kross, Beginner...

He is said to be a War Master of 5th level. Hailing from Hearthfire Hold Garrison in the Mountain Kingdoms, he is said to have fashionably styled hair, ocean blue eyes and freckled skin. His muscular figure, proudly displaying his goate has been sighted rushing into battle with a courageous warcry of "For Honor and the Garrison".

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Decent Spears, and is arrayed in his Light Chainmail and Medium Shields. Foes are said to wither before the might of his Band of Burly Louts and Squad Armband.

Hayden Kross was born under the sign of The Joyful Crown. This star sign is part of the Emotion Phase and the War Aspect.

Hayden Kross is currently sober.

Hayden Kross is Hardcore.

  • 15,783 Total XP
  • 1,069 Gold


Hayden Kross has no advantages.

Recent Happenings

  • Hayden Kross, Beginner killed Metallic Green Magefly Swarm in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner killed Gigantic Ice Elemental in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner killed Scyther WIldcats in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner killed Angry Galoot Loner in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner killed Unbound Whitestone Ogre Golem in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner killed Shard Oak Moth Swarm in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner killed Tentacled Cave Dropper in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner is now using Decent Spears
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner is now using Light Chainmail and Medium Shields
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner is now using Band of Burly Louts
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner achieved Level 5 in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner killed Unbound Whitestone Ogre Golem in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner killed Tentacled Slimebeast in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner killed Clawblood Outlaw Ambushers in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner killed Chipbone Skeleton Archer Squad in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner killed Charging Skyclaw Mountain Goat Herd in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner killed Vicious Razorclaw Lizard in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner killed Living Margrain Statue Flailers in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner killed Enveloping Snow Elemental in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Hayden Kross, Beginner killed Unbound Whitestone Staff Golem in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains

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