Hansel Teigl


Level 34 Sky Guard

Mountain Kingdoms
Sky Guard

Personal Details

Hansel Teigl, Millionaire...

He is said to be a Sky Guard of 34th level. Hailing from Scale Peak in the Mountain Kingdoms, he is said to have short hair, blue eyes and fair skin. His athletic figure has been sighted rushing into battle with an amorous warcry of "Now, you may feast Asurios".

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Durable Runesteel Shocklance, and is arrayed in his Light Runesteel Platemail. Foes are said to wither before the might of his Veteran Blue Drake.

Hansel Teigl was born under the sign of The Wrathful Lawyer. This star sign is part of the Destruction Phase and the Reason Aspect.

Hansel Teigl is currently sober.

Hansel Teigl is ranked 1st among those born under The Wrathful Lawyer.

  • 1,234,014 Total XP
  • 113,601 Gold


Hansel Teigl has the following advantages:

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

Recent Happenings

  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Paranoia Shardlings in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Spindly Light Bender Assassin in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Writhing Mass of Void Worms in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Chrome Tyvel Orb Science Probe in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Dreaming Spore Cloud in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Chunky Light Bender Warrior in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Swirling Voidmare Boogeything in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Platinum Tyvel Orb Combat Drone in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Writhing Mass of Void Worms in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire defeated Frightstalker, Voidmare Fungus (Boss) in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Lumbering Tyvel Dreamscoop in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Paranoia Shardlings in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Blocky Light Bender Mage in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Paranoia Shardlings in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire defeated Frightstalker, Voidmare Fungus (Boss) in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Writhing Mass of Void Worms in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire defeated Lord Trepidus of the Voidmare (Boss) in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Platinum Tyvel Orb Combat Drone in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Writhing Mass of Void Worms in Dreamvoid Tunnels
  • Hansel Teigl, Millionaire killed Chrome Tyvel Orb Science Probe in Dreamvoid Tunnels

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