

Level 42 Sky Guard

Mountain Kingdoms
Sky Guard

Personal Details

Esy, Tank...

She is said to be a Sky Guard of 42nd level. Hailing from Talon Watch in the Mountain Kingdoms, she is said to have long flowing hair, hazel eyes and fair skin. Her graceful figure, proudly displaying her big nose has been sighted rushing into battle with a bitchy warcry.

When girded for battle, she is known to wield her Durable Mithril Shocklance, and is arrayed in her Mithril Linkmail Coat. Foes are said to wither before the might of her Young Two-Headed Wyvern.

Esy was born under the sign of The Joyful Banner. This star sign is part of the Emotion Phase and the Emotion Aspect.

Esy is currently sober.

Esy is ranked 2nd among those born under The Joyful Banner.

  • 2,441,110 Total XP
  • 578,808 Gold


Esy has the following advantages:

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

Recent Happenings

  • Esy, Tank killed Huge Doom Furnace Hammer Golem in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Fire Salamander War Party in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Trugnad Ettin Ambusher in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Igniter Blob in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Saurid Knight Mounted Cindermaw Drake in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Festoon Pillar Gromka Demon in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Devil Bee Hive Lump in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Twirling Incinerator Elemental in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank discovered The Handrid Crater in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Wobbly Pyrojelly in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Cinder cragg Beast in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Shimmerveil Madrei Archers in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Wild Rekk Beast in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Cinder cragg Beast in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Emberscale Dragon Whelp in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Ashen Throng of Undead Fanatics in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Emberscale Dragon Whelp in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Travadi Gypsy Caravan in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Snarling Travadi Ghoul Lord in Ashpeak Mountains
  • Esy, Tank killed Travadi Gypsy Necromancer in Ashpeak Mountains

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