Eden Knight

Dead Lass Walking

Level 16 Black Seer

Black Seer

Personal Details

Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking...

She is said to be a Black Seer of 16th level. Hailing from Sepsus Order of the Eclipse in the Deadlands, she is said to have long flowing hair, hazel eyes and overly pale skin. Her graceful figure, proudly displaying her nasty scar has been sighted rushing into battle with a polite warcry.

When girded for battle, she is known to wield her Scroll of Spirit Flick, and is arrayed in her Simple Black Cloak and Black Sun Lense. Foes are said to wither before the might of her Jar of Mourning Flies.

Eden Knight was born under the sign of The Withered Crown. This star sign is part of the Misfortune Phase and the War Aspect.

Eden Knight is currently sober.

Eden Knight is ranked 2244th among Immortals with a score of 196,294.

Eden Knight has achieved immortality, and is a Rank 1 Demigod.

Eden Knight has the following Immortal Powers:

    Demigod (Path Power)
    Animate Enemy

  • 163,578 Total XP
  • 161,835 Gold


Eden Knight has the following advantages:

  • Timesink Emerald of Focus

    Timesink Emerald of Focus

    This small gemstone makes its owner more resistant to the effects of time wasting, entrapment and trickery by focusing the bearers mind on the essentials of escaping any situation which would otherwise confuse people.

Recent Happenings

  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking was killed by The Hooded Prophet in Temple of Xaishann
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking killed Lumbering Silverblood Hydra in Temple of Xaishann
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking killed Quesha Sky Manta Rider in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking killed Razorhide Lizardman Skinner in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking killed Scarscale Drake Hatchlings in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking defeated Sslavok, Razorhide Chieftain (Boss) in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking was killed by Quesha Manta Psycher in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking killed Snarling Livofeather Raptor in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking killed Giant Livofeather Raptor Riders in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking killed Massive Chugger Lizard in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking discovered Ruins of Al'Boteel in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking killed Quesha Manta Psycher in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking killed Scarscale Drake Whelp in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking defeated Mossamin, Chameleon Assassin (Boss) in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking killed Snarling Livofeather Raptor in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking killed Razorhide Lizardman Skinner in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking killed Razorhide Lizardmen Hunting Party in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking defeated Mossamin, Chameleon Assassin (Boss) in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking killed Snarling Livofeather Raptor in Ruins of Al'Boteel
  • Eden Knight, Dead Lass Walking killed Scarscale Drake Whelp in Ruins of Al'Boteel

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