

Level 20 Black Seer

Black Seer

Personal Details

Dragn, Adventurer...

She is said to be a Black Seer of 20th level. Hailing from Sepsus Order of the Eclipse in the Deadlands, she is said to have fashionably styled hair, ocean blue eyes and overly pale skin. Her busty figure, proudly displaying her nose ring has been sighted rushing into battle with a caring warcry of "skadushh".

When girded for battle, she is known to wield her Blackened Scroll of Shadow Touch, and is arrayed in her Voidsilk Clothing and Voidsteel Glasses of Shadows. Foes are said to wither before the might of her Nightsilk Bag of Dreadsoot.

Dragn was born under the sign of The Balanced Tear. This star sign is part of the Reason Phase and the Emotion Aspect.

Dragn is currently sober.

Dragn is ranked 2nd among those born under The Balanced Tear.

  • 263,390 Total XP
  • 0 Gold


Dragn has no advantages.

Recent Happenings

  • Dragn, Adventurer lost 61,552 coins playing Reindeer Games
  • Dragn, Adventurer killed Blazing Imp in Hellish Rift
  • Dragn, Adventurer killed Inferno Elemental in Hellish Rift
  • Dragn, Adventurer killed Blazing Fiend in Hellish Rift
  • Dragn, Adventurer defeated Ashbeard, Dwarven Magma Lord (Boss) in Hellish Rift
  • Dragn, Adventurer discovered Hellish Rift in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Dragn, Adventurer killed Towering Pine Golem Needler in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Dragn, Adventurer killed Cunning Skyclaw Goataur Skirmishers in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Dragn, Adventurer killed Wild Mountain Wolf Pack in Skyclaw Ridge Mountains
  • Dragn, Adventurer killed Renegade Dwarven Lavamancer in Hellish Rift
  • Dragn, Adventurer killed Renegade Dwarven Fire Cultist in Hellish Rift
  • Dragn, Adventurer killed Emberscale Drake in Hellish Rift
  • Dragn, Adventurer killed Inferno Elemental in Hellish Rift
  • Dragn, Adventurer killed Blazing Fiend in Hellish Rift
  • Dragn, Adventurer defeated Lord Bonfire, Demon Baron (Boss) in Hellish Rift
  • Dragn, Adventurer achieved Level 20 in Hellish Rift
  • Dragn, Adventurer killed Fire Elemental in Hellish Rift
  • Dragn, Adventurer defeated Lord Bonfire, Demon Baron (Boss) in Hellish Rift
  • Dragn, Adventurer killed Flaming Dragonfly in Hellish Rift
  • Dragn, Adventurer killed Renegade Dwarven Fire Cultist in Hellish Rift

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