
Death to Chocolate

Level 62 War Master

Mountain Kingdoms
War Master

Personal Details

Direhawk, Death to Chocolate...

He is said to be a War Master of 62nd level. Hailing from Hearthfire Hold Garrison in the Mountain Kingdoms, he is said to have long flowing hair, blue eyes and tanned skin. His athletic figure, proudly displaying his beard has been sighted rushing into battle with a serious warcry of "Die Mother F'er".

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Runed Thorium Warblades (Superior), and is arrayed in his Heavy Duty Corite Plate and Tower Shields (Superior). Foes are said to wither before the might of his Elite Flame Warders Legion (Decent) and Flame Keepers Insignia (Great).

Direhawk was born under the sign of The Loved Fist. This star sign is part of the Emotion Phase and the Destruction Aspect.

Direhawk is currently sober.

Direhawk is ranked 260th among Immortals with a score of 22,025,108.

Direhawk has achieved immortality, and is a Rank 2 Primal Spirit.

Direhawk has the following Immortal Powers:

    Primal (Path Power)
    Berzerker Rage
    Proven Fate

  • 15,732,220 Total XP
  • 599,531 Gold


Direhawk has the following advantages:

  • Amulet of Recall

    Amulet of Recall

    A red orb set in a golden amulet, allowing instantaneous travel back to a set location.

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

  • Gnomish Backpack of Holding

    Gnomish Backpack of Holding

    Famous for their love of treasure, Gnomes spend centurites perfecting the ability to store and protect it. Their wisest Coin Masters have managed to improve on the arcane physics of the bags of holding to create their own version, a backpack.

  • Prismatic Watchman Shard

    Prismatic Watchman Shard

    A strange lense commonly carried by guardsmen to ward off ambushes and traps. Its method of doing this is unknown, however its effectiveness is sworn by in the guardsman business.

  • Timesink Emerald of Focus

    Timesink Emerald of Focus

    This small gemstone makes its owner more resistant to the effects of time wasting, entrapment and trickery by focusing the bearers mind on the essentials of escaping any situation which would otherwise confuse people.

  • Dazzling Lootstone of Misdirection

    Dazzling Lootstone of Misdirection

    This small gemstone protects the bearer from thieves by attempting to become an irrisistable target for theft, rather than real loot, and then magically reappearing back in the hands of its owner shortly after the thief has moved on.

Recent Happenings

  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Big Nosed Augol Barrow Gnome Warlock in Primordia
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Tacklack Mantoid Physical Adept (Elite Minion) in The Eternal Hive
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Glumwing Waspman Soldiers (Elite Minion) in The Eternal Hive
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Tacklack Mantoid Physical Adept (Elite Minion) in The Eternal Hive
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate defeated Ultimidese, Wolf Scarab Lich (Elite Boss) in The Eternal Hive
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Glumwing Waspman Champion (Elite Minion) in The Eternal Hive
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Tacklack Mantoid Physical Adept (Elite Minion) in The Eternal Hive
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Psychic Silverfish (Elite Minion) in The Eternal Hive
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Dikunazza Insect Cultists (Elite Minion) in The Eternal Hive
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Flamesting Rhino Ant (Elite Minion) in The Eternal Hive
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Scythe Bee Swarm (Elite Minion) in The Eternal Hive
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Flamesting Rhino Ant (Elite Minion) in The Eternal Hive
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate discovered The Eternal Hive in Primordia
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Hefty Devilwillow Faun Executioner in Primordia
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Grokker Tick Swarm in Primordia
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Accumulatorian Oolbid Demon Botanist in Primordia
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Xeken Satyr Mega Moth Rider in Primordia
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Swooping Skytalon Roc in Primordia
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Lardish Flubberknob in Primordia
  • Direhawk, Death to Chocolate killed Shattered Tribe Primordial Giant Wanderers in Primordia

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