New Immortal Power
28 August, 2010
  • We've added a new power to the list of options available to immortals, called Mirror Realm.  Should you select it when you re-mort, you'll be able to carry over the typical 100% encumberance total that everyone else has to put up with!  This is done by stashing your hard earned trinkets in another dimension, closely linked to ours, but with subtle differences.  Exploit those dimensional physics loop holes at your leisure!

    However, the further you push your luck, the more likely someone else is to notice those treasures, possibly even the mirror realms copy of yourself! Given you know what you're like, you're likely to have some of your own treasure stolen by.. well by youself. Curse your justifiable greed! 

    The risks are likely worth it, and if you're the type who's ever been annoyed at missing out on treasure because you're over 100% encumberance, this is the power for you.

    A big thanks goes to the player of character Honeyfuggle, who we asked to help us design a power as a thank you for their efforts in being first to attain all the existing immortal powers.

    We have another one on the way, so expect to see a new power coming in the next few weeks as well.

    Incidentally, for the next few players who reach the point where they've maxed out all the powers, we're happy to extend the same offer to help design one as well.  You're not just making something for yourself, you're making something the whole game can enjoy! 

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